
洞察力s from 索引交换's privacy s和box testing


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请注意这篇文章发表于谷歌之前 删除cookie截止日期, which is why there is some reference to the deadline. 

Since Google disabled third-party cookies on 1% of Chrome traffic in January, 我们一直在忙着测试 受保护的观众 (PA)和 主题 隐私沙箱api. 其中之一 我们的承诺 was to share the results of our testing with our customers 和 partners, as well as with Google Chrome 和 the UK Competition 和 Markets Authority (CMA).

很明显 隐私沙箱 is a complex solution 和 requires a significant shift to existing programmatic processes.

Our tests have proven that millions of S和box impressions can be purchased 和 delivered, 然而, many open questions 和 issues remain to be addressed. 例如, we don’t yet have data on attribution or measurement, which is one of the areas we hope to evaluate with partners in the future. 谷歌推迟了完全弃用第三方cookie的计划,这为整个行业继续进行测试提供了急需的时间,也为谷歌解决迄今为止提出的一些担忧提供了时间. 



  1. 有限的测试范围: 我们第一阶段的测试涉及100多个 出版商,数千个域名,10 需求方. 这是谷歌以外规模较大的测试项目之一,考虑到我们的合作伙伴的投资和所需的培训时间,这是一个重要的证明. 需要指出的是,虽然基于沙盒的印象已经发展到足够大的数量,我们可以从测试中得出一些结论, overall impressions 和 spend are still quite limited.

  1. 观察到的共同主题: We’ve been collecting performance data around the 主题 API, 包括我们最常看到的话题, 并发布了新的 主题报告功能 在我们的UI中分享这些见解. 目前尚不清楚观察到的主题对市场营销人员在报价或优化活动方面有多大用处, though we are encouraged by recent feedback from buyers who have begun testing the API.

  1. 对cpm的影响: 最令人担忧, 在整个测试过程中, 我们发现,与使用第三方cookie的广告相比,启用沙盒的广告的cpm下降了33%. This compares to 36% lower CPMs in impressions without both S和box 和 cookies. So, 而沙盒api确实有所帮助(+3%), they’re not closing the gap enough at the current scale, 可用的特性集, 和 level of adoption to prevent significant revenue consequences for 出版商.

鉴于其目前的局限性, 隐私沙箱 may not be an effective solution yet for general use, 或者,对于科技公司来说,为普遍可用性做好准备的成本可能太高. 我们必须解决发行商和整个程序化生态系统面临的主要风险,以使其更容易、更有效地扩展. 

Publisher-focused问题 & 特性请求 

Our 隐私沙箱 testing has shown there’s still a lot of work to do to refine the design, 和 we’ve highlighted some of the key issues we’ve shared with the Google Chrome team below. The team has been open to feedback 和 is engaging with companies across the industry. 我们将继续测试新功能并提出问题,以帮助隐私沙箱成为一个可行的、可扩展的解决方案. 

1. Format, channel, 和 transaction functionality   

For S和box to be effective, it must support different 广告形式. We underst和 Google is working on designs for many of these 特性请求, 我们迫不及待地想要测试它们.  

目前, 没有可行的视频支持, which accounts for a meaningful amount of cookied ad spend. 我们还提倡支持多尺寸的请求,以减少一个展示机会的拍卖总数,并帮助减少延迟.  

It’s been more than a few years since we entered the year of mobile. 从我们的角度来看, mobile testing across the industry has been limited, 和 we haven’t yet participated in testing 隐私沙箱 on Android. We’ll need more traction here to evaluate the design 和 effectiveness.  

Finally, S和box’s current design doesn’t offer adequate support for deals. Programmatic transactions are increasingly executed through deals, so support is a must.   

2. 延迟

延迟 has shown to be a significant issue, as Mediavine报道 在早期. We’re seeing 28% more latency for 隐私沙箱 auctions compared to others.  

This latency is primarily due to the requirement for Google to be the topSeller in PA auctions, 这反过来要求所有非谷歌的出价在拍卖前由谷歌广告管理(GAM)处理. All auction participants must also wait for Google to finalise the winning bid. 

通过允许其他发行商和广告交易所通过Prebid直接参与客户端拍卖,可以减少延迟. This would create a more level playing field 和 speed up web transactions significantly. 解决诸如缺乏多尺寸和多格式的拍卖以及优化全球分布式速度的URL处理等问题可以进一步改善延迟.  

我们建议发行商监控延迟,并确保他们的隐私沙箱测试将这些风险考虑在内. For example, this could mean restricting testing to less-trafficked pages.  

3. 三通的解决方案 & 云的竞争

保护隐私, 隐私沙箱要求拍卖在Chrome浏览器内的设备上运行或通过可信执行环境(TEE)运行。, which securely runs the auction server-side in the cloud. TEEs can provide more computing power than is available on a user’s device 和 reduce latency.  

However, Google has produced quite sophisticated 技术要求 将拍卖转移到TEE上,目前只允许在AWS或谷歌云平台上运行的TEE. 我们认为这是一个竞争问题,因为它对独立发行商征收了不公平的潜在税, 交流, 和 other ad tech platforms while boosting revenue for a few large cloud providers.  

例如, 我们在Index运行自己的基于云的TEE,这使我们能够积极优化成本,同时为客户带来显著的效率提升. 支持隐私沙箱将要求我们以更高的成本将大部分拍卖基础设施转移到公共云, which would ultimately mean higher costs for our customers 和 partners. 

4. Publisher-controlled观众

今天, only media buyers 和 需求方 can create interest groups, the generalised audience groups that the PA API is built around. 这限制了潜在的用例,并限制了发行商有效地从自己的受众中获利. If a publisher were to curate audience offerings, they’d have to provision that audience to each DSP they work with.  
我们建议采用沙盒设计,给予发行商更多的控制权,并允许他们为卖方合作伙伴提供兴趣小组, who can in turn provision them to one or many 需求方 at once through deal IDs.

5. 相关的无cookie倡议

We’re also concerned about fringe initiatives related to S和box, such as IP truncation. 虽然这些举措不会取代cookie,但它们确实对法规遵从性有影响. 例如, 在当今无cookie浏览器中,使用IP截断的方式可能很难将用户解析为地理区域或州, making it harder to comply with local privacy regulations.


整体, 我们很高兴看到越来越多的公司在编程和开放的网络生态系统中联合起来,在几个月的时间里测试这样一个重要的解决方案.  
隐私沙箱是复杂的,与迄今为止程序化的执行方式有本质上的不同. 虽然它可能并不完美, it demonstrates potential over other proposed alternatives or no replacement at all. We’ve proven we can deliver millions of impressions, 但我们还无法测试所有方面,需要继续进一步投资,以建设我们的基础设施. 我们希望谷歌, CMA的, 和 others will consider testing feedback 和 evolve existing designs to help improve post-cookie可寻址能力 通过开放的网络. 我们也渴望看到更多的买方参与,以帮助进一步加快测试和采用. 

扩展的cookie弃用时间轴为业界提供了所需的准备缓冲. We’ll continue to support 和 test 隐私沙箱, 和 will keep you updated on our progress 和 learnings. If you have any questions or want to begin testing, please 彩乐园dsn的隐私沙盒团队.

For more support, be sure to check out some of the resources we’ve created, including 如何开始使用隐私沙盒,我们的 索引讲解系列视频 在api和我们的 受保护受众演示 和 技术图表.



By 索引交换 Product team, Communications Manager


索引交换是一个全球性的广告供应方平台,使媒体所有者能够在任何屏幕上最大化其内容的价值. 作为一个值得信赖的伙伴和盟友, 我们将领先的体验制造者与全球最大的品牌联系起来,以确保为消费者提供优质的体验. 

我们是一个自豪的行业先锋,拥有超过20年的经验,加速广告技术的发展. With our radically transparent business practices 和 dedication to total market 效率, we’re committed to upholding the integrity of the programmatic ecosystem at large. 

我们的全球团队致力于推动行业标准和构建可实现规模化的技术, 效率, 和 long-term value for our customers 和 partners. 欲了解更多信息,请访问:http://www.indexexchange.Com/uk/或@indexexchange. 

发布: 2024年7月19日星期五